Anticipated Timeline:
Registration Now Open! - Click Here
Sponsorships Open: Click Here (NOTE: All Tier 3 and 4 Sponsorships have been claimed)
Call for Proposals: No longer accepting proposals
Housing Info: November/December/January
Presenters Notified: January/February 2025
App Goes Live: March/April 2025
For more information:
Conference chair: Annie Whitlock: awhitlock[at]
Sponsorship chair: Dave Johnson: djohnson[at]
Call for Proposals |
The iconic Blue Bridge in downtown Grand Rapids connects the east and west sides of the Grand River. As a former railroad bridge converted to a pedestrian walkway, it has connected the city since 1868. Inspired by the theme of connection and the location of the 2025 conference at the Eberhard Center on one end of the bridge, we seek conference presentations that highlight the connections apparent in social studies. Have a lesson plan that successfully connected social studies with other subjects? An idea for a project connecting local resources? A connection students made with a culture or story they weren’t familiar with? Please submit your work! We welcome submissions from classroom teachers, social studies researchers, undergraduate and graduate students, K-12 students, social studies education professionals, and others with ideas. Submissions will be peer-reviewed by the conference committee. Accepted lead presenters will receive a code to register for the conference at a reduced rate. Use this form to submit your proposals by Friday, December 6, 2024 at 11:59pm EST. |